
new Cesium.Appearance(options)

An appearance defines the full GLSL vertex and fragment shaders and the render state used to draw a Primitive. All appearances implement this base Appearance interface.
参数名称 类型 描述信息
options object 可选 Object with the following properties:
参数名称 类型 默认值 描述信息
translucent boolean true 可选 When true, the geometry is expected to appear translucent so Appearance#renderState has alpha blending enabled.
closed boolean false 可选 When true, the geometry is expected to be closed so Appearance#renderState has backface culling enabled.
material Material Material.ColorType 可选 The material used to determine the fragment color.
vertexShaderSource string 可选 Optional GLSL vertex shader source to override the default vertex shader.
fragmentShaderSource string 可选 Optional GLSL fragment shader source to override the default fragment shader.
renderState object 可选 Optional render state to override the default render state.


readonly closed : boolean

When true, the geometry is expected to be closed.
默认值: false

readonly fragmentShaderSource : string

The GLSL source code for the fragment shader. The full fragment shader source is built procedurally taking into account the Appearance#material. Use Appearance#getFragmentShaderSource to get the full source.
The material used to determine the fragment color. Unlike other Appearance properties, this is not read-only, so an appearance's material can change on the fly.

readonly renderState : object

The WebGL fixed-function state to use when rendering the geometry.

translucent : boolean

When true, the geometry is expected to appear translucent.
默认值: true

readonly vertexShaderSource : string

The GLSL source code for the vertex shader.



Procedurally creates the full GLSL fragment shader source for this appearance taking into account Appearance#fragmentShaderSource and Appearance#material.
The full GLSL fragment shader source.


Creates a render state. This is not the final render state instance; instead, it can contain a subset of render state properties identical to the render state created in the context.
The render state.


Determines if the geometry is translucent based on Appearance#translucent and Material#isTranslucent.
true if the appearance is translucent.