
new Cesium.Cesium3DTilesVoxelProvider(options)

A VoxelProvider that fetches voxel data from a 3D Tiles tileset.

Implements the VoxelProvider interface.

This object is normally not instantiated directly, use Cesium3DTilesVoxelProvider.fromUrl.
参数名称 类型 描述信息
options object Object with the following properties:

This feature is not final and is subject to change without Cesium's standard deprecation policy.




Gets the metadata component types. This should not be called before VoxelProvider#ready returns true.
Gets the number of voxels per dimension of a tile. This is the same for all tiles in the dataset. This should not be called before VoxelProvider#ready returns true.

readonly globalTransform : Matrix4|undefined

A transform from local space to global space. If undefined, the identity matrix will be used instead.

readonly maxBounds : Cartesian3|undefined

Gets the maximum bounds. If undefined, the shape's default maximum bounds will be used instead. This should not be called before VoxelProvider#ready returns true.

readonly maximumTileCount : number|undefined

The maximum number of tiles that exist for this provider. This value is used as a hint to the voxel renderer to allocate an appropriate amount of GPU memory. If this value is not known it can be undefined. This should not be called before VoxelProvider#ready returns true.

readonly maximumValues : Array.<Array.<number>>|undefined

Gets the metadata maximum values. This should not be called before VoxelProvider#ready returns true.

readonly minBounds : Cartesian3|undefined

Gets the minimum bounds. If undefined, the shape's default minimum bounds will be used instead. This should not be called before VoxelProvider#ready returns true.

readonly minimumValues : Array.<Array.<number>>|undefined

Gets the metadata minimum values. This should not be called before VoxelProvider#ready returns true.

readonly names : Array.<string>

Gets the metadata names. This should not be called before VoxelProvider#ready returns true.

readonly paddingAfter : Cartesian3|undefined

Gets the number of padding voxels after the tile. This improves rendering quality when sampling the edge of a tile, but it increases memory usage. This should not be called before VoxelProvider#ready returns true.

readonly paddingBefore : Cartesian3|undefined

Gets the number of padding voxels before the tile. This improves rendering quality when sampling the edge of a tile, but it increases memory usage. This should not be called before VoxelProvider#ready returns true.
Gets the VoxelShapeType This should not be called before VoxelProvider#ready returns true.

readonly shapeTransform : Matrix4|undefined

A transform from shape space to local space. If undefined, the identity matrix will be used instead.
Gets the metadata types. This should not be called before VoxelProvider#ready returns true.


static Cesium.Cesium3DTilesVoxelProvider.fromUrl(url)Promise.<Cesium3DTilesVoxelProvider>

Creates a VoxelProvider that fetches voxel data from a 3D Tiles tileset.
参数名称 类型 描述信息
url Resource | string The URL to a tileset JSON file
The created provider
  • RuntimeException : Root must have content
  • RuntimeException : Root tile content must have 3DTILES_content_voxels extension
  • RuntimeException : Root tile must have implicit tiling
  • RuntimeException : Tileset must have a metadata schema
  • RuntimeException : Only box, region and 3DTILES_bounding_volume_cylinder are supported in Cesium3DTilesVoxelProvider


Requests the data for a given tile. The data is a flattened 3D array ordered by X, then Y, then Z. This function should not be called before VoxelProvider#ready returns true.
参数名称 类型 描述信息
options object 可选 Object with the following properties:
参数名称 类型 默认值 描述信息
tileLevel number 0 可选 The tile's level.
tileX number 0 可选 The tile's X coordinate.
tileY number 0 可选 The tile's Y coordinate.
tileZ number 0 可选 The tile's Z coordinate.
A promise to an array of typed arrays containing the requested voxel data or undefined if there was a problem loading the data.