
new Cesium.VoxelProvider()

Provides voxel data. Intended to be used with VoxelPrimitive. This type describes an interface and is not intended to be instantiated directly.

This feature is not final and is subject to change without Cesium's standard deprecation policy.



Gets the metadata component types.
Gets the number of voxels per dimension of a tile. This is the same for all tiles in the dataset.
A transform from local space to global space.
默认值: Matrix4.IDENTITY

readonly maxBounds : Cartesian3|undefined

Gets the maximum bounds. If undefined, the shape's default maximum bounds will be used instead.

readonly maximumTileCount : number|undefined

The maximum number of tiles that exist for this provider. This value is used as a hint to the voxel renderer to allocate an appropriate amount of GPU memory. If this value is not known it can be undefined.

readonly maximumValues : Array.<Array.<number>>|undefined

Gets the metadata maximum values.
Gets the ordering of the metadata in the buffers.
默认值: VoxelMetadataOrder.XYZ

readonly minBounds : Cartesian3|undefined

Gets the minimum bounds. If undefined, the shape's default minimum bounds will be used instead.

readonly minimumValues : Array.<Array.<number>>|undefined

Gets the metadata minimum values.

readonly names : Array.<string>

Gets the metadata names.
Gets the number of padding voxels after the tile. This improves rendering quality when sampling the edge of a tile, but it increases memory usage.
默认值: Cartesian3.ZERO
Gets the number of padding voxels before the tile. This improves rendering quality when sampling the edge of a tile, but it increases memory usage.
默认值: Cartesian3.ZERO
Gets the VoxelShapeType
A transform from shape space to local space.
默认值: Matrix4.IDENTITY
Gets the metadata types.



Requests the data for a given tile.
参数名称 类型 描述信息
options object 可选 Object with the following properties:
参数名称 类型 默认值 描述信息
tileLevel number 0 可选 The tile's level.
tileX number 0 可选 The tile's X coordinate.
tileY number 0 可选 The tile's Y coordinate.
tileZ number 0 可选 The tile's Z coordinate.
A promise resolving to a VoxelContent containing the data for the tile, or undefined if the request could not be scheduled this frame.