
Default settings for accessing the iTwin platform.

This feature is not final and is subject to change without Cesium's standard deprecation policy.



static Cesium.ITwinPlatform.apiEndpoint : string|Resource

Gets or sets the default iTwin API endpoint.
默认值: ""

This feature is not final and is subject to change without Cesium's standard deprecation policy.

static Cesium.ITwinPlatform.defaultAccessToken : string|undefined

Gets or sets the default iTwin access token. This token should have the itwin-platform scope.

This feature is not final and is subject to change without Cesium's standard deprecation policy.

static Cesium.ITwinPlatform.ExportStatus : string

Status states for a mesh-export export. Valid values are: NotStarted, InProgress, Complete, Invalid

static Cesium.ITwinPlatform.ExportType : string

Types of mesh-export exports. CesiumJS only supports loading 3DTILES type exports. Valid values are: IMODEL, CESIUM, 3DTILES

static Cesium.ITwinPlatform.RealityDataType : string

Types of Reality data. This is a partial list of types we know we can support