
new Cesium.ClippingPlane(normal, distance)

A Plane in Hessian Normal form to be used with ClippingPlaneCollection. Compatible with mathematics functions in Plane
参数名称 类型 描述信息
normal Cartesian3 The plane's normal (normalized).
distance number The shortest distance from the origin to the plane. The sign of distance determines which side of the plane the origin is on. If distance is positive, the origin is in the half-space in the direction of the normal; if negative, the origin is in the half-space opposite to the normal; if zero, the plane passes through the origin.


The shortest distance from the origin to the plane. The sign of distance determines which side of the plane the origin is on. If distance is positive, the origin is in the half-space in the direction of the normal; if negative, the origin is in the half-space opposite to the normal; if zero, the plane passes through the origin.
The plane's normal.


static Cesium.ClippingPlane.clone(clippingPlane, result)ClippingPlane

Clones the ClippingPlane without setting its ownership.
参数名称 类型 描述信息
clippingPlane ClippingPlane The ClippingPlane to be cloned
result ClippingPlane 可选 The object on which to store the cloned parameters.
a clone of the input ClippingPlane

static Cesium.ClippingPlane.fromPlane(plane, result)ClippingPlane

Create a ClippingPlane from a Plane object.
参数名称 类型 描述信息
plane Plane The plane containing parameters to copy
result ClippingPlane 可选 The object on which to store the result
The ClippingPlane generated from the plane's parameters.