
new Cesium.TimeIntervalCollection(intervals)

A non-overlapping collection of TimeInterval instances sorted by start time.
参数名称 类型 描述信息
intervals Array.<TimeInterval> 可选 An array of intervals to add to the collection.


Gets an event that is raised whenever the collection of intervals change.
Gets whether or not the collection is empty.

readonly isStartIncluded : boolean

Gets whether or not the start time is included in the collection.

readonly isStopIncluded : boolean

Gets whether or not the stop time is included in the collection.
Gets the number of intervals in the collection.
Gets the start time of the collection.
Gets the stop time of the collection.


static Cesium.TimeIntervalCollection.fromIso8601(options, result)TimeIntervalCollection

Creates a new instance from an ISO 8601 time interval (start/end/duration).
参数名称 类型 描述信息
options object Object with the following properties:
参数名称 类型 默认值 描述信息
iso8601 string An ISO 8601 interval.
isStartIncluded boolean true 可选 true if start time is included in the interval, false otherwise.
isStopIncluded boolean true 可选 true if stop time is included in the interval, false otherwise.
leadingInterval boolean false 可选 true if you want to add a interval from Iso8601.MINIMUM_VALUE to start time, false otherwise.
trailingInterval boolean false 可选 true if you want to add a interval from stop time to Iso8601.MAXIMUM_VALUE, false otherwise.
dataCallback function 可选 A function that will be return the data that is called with each interval before it is added to the collection. If unspecified, the data will be the index in the collection.
result TimeIntervalCollection 可选 An existing instance to use for the result.
The modified result parameter or a new instance if none was provided.

static Cesium.TimeIntervalCollection.fromIso8601DateArray(options, result)TimeIntervalCollection

Creates a new instance from a ISO 8601 date array.
参数名称 类型 描述信息
options object Object with the following properties:
参数名称 类型 默认值 描述信息
iso8601Dates Array.<string> An array of ISO 8601 dates.
isStartIncluded boolean true 可选 true if start time is included in the interval, false otherwise.
isStopIncluded boolean true 可选 true if stop time is included in the interval, false otherwise.
leadingInterval boolean false 可选 true if you want to add a interval from Iso8601.MINIMUM_VALUE to start time, false otherwise.
trailingInterval boolean false 可选 true if you want to add a interval from stop time to Iso8601.MAXIMUM_VALUE, false otherwise.
dataCallback function 可选 A function that will be return the data that is called with each interval before it is added to the collection. If unspecified, the data will be the index in the collection.
result TimeIntervalCollection 可选 An existing instance to use for the result.
The modified result parameter or a new instance if none was provided.

static Cesium.TimeIntervalCollection.fromIso8601DurationArray(options, result)TimeIntervalCollection

Creates a new instance from a ISO 8601 duration array.
参数名称 类型 描述信息
options object Object with the following properties:
参数名称 类型 默认值 描述信息
epoch JulianDate An date that the durations are relative to.
iso8601Durations string An array of ISO 8601 durations.
relativeToPrevious boolean false 可选 true if durations are relative to previous date, false if always relative to the epoch.
isStartIncluded boolean true 可选 true if start time is included in the interval, false otherwise.
isStopIncluded boolean true 可选 true if stop time is included in the interval, false otherwise.
leadingInterval boolean false 可选 true if you want to add a interval from Iso8601.MINIMUM_VALUE to start time, false otherwise.
trailingInterval boolean false 可选 true if you want to add a interval from stop time to Iso8601.MAXIMUM_VALUE, false otherwise.
dataCallback function 可选 A function that will be return the data that is called with each interval before it is added to the collection. If unspecified, the data will be the index in the collection.
result TimeIntervalCollection 可选 An existing instance to use for the result.
The modified result parameter or a new instance if none was provided.

static Cesium.TimeIntervalCollection.fromJulianDateArray(options, result)TimeIntervalCollection

Creates a new instance from a JulianDate array.
参数名称 类型 描述信息
options object Object with the following properties:
参数名称 类型 默认值 描述信息
julianDates Array.<JulianDate> An array of ISO 8601 dates.
isStartIncluded boolean true 可选 true if start time is included in the interval, false otherwise.
isStopIncluded boolean true 可选 true if stop time is included in the interval, false otherwise.
leadingInterval boolean false 可选 true if you want to add a interval from Iso8601.MINIMUM_VALUE to start time, false otherwise.
trailingInterval boolean false 可选 true if you want to add a interval from stop time to Iso8601.MAXIMUM_VALUE, false otherwise.
dataCallback function 可选 A function that will be return the data that is called with each interval before it is added to the collection. If unspecified, the data will be the index in the collection.
result TimeIntervalCollection 可选 An existing instance to use for the result.
The modified result parameter or a new instance if none was provided.

addInterval(interval, dataComparer)

Adds an interval to the collection, merging intervals that contain the same data and splitting intervals of different data as needed in order to maintain a non-overlapping collection. The data in the new interval takes precedence over any existing intervals in the collection.
参数名称 类型 描述信息
interval TimeInterval The interval to add.
dataComparer TimeInterval.DataComparer 可选 A function which compares the data of the two intervals. If omitted, reference equality is used.


Checks if the specified date is inside this collection.
参数名称 类型 描述信息
julianDate JulianDate The date to check.
true if the collection contains the specified date, false otherwise.

equals(right, dataComparer)boolean

Compares this instance against the provided instance componentwise and returns true if they are equal, false otherwise.
参数名称 类型 描述信息
right TimeIntervalCollection 可选 The right hand side collection.
dataComparer TimeInterval.DataComparer 可选 A function which compares the data of the two intervals. If omitted, reference equality is used.
true if they are equal, false otherwise.


Finds and returns the data for the interval that contains the specified date.
参数名称 类型 描述信息
date JulianDate The date to search for.
The data for the interval containing the specified date, or undefined if no such interval exists.
Returns the first interval in the collection that matches the specified parameters. All parameters are optional and undefined parameters are treated as a don't care condition.
参数名称 类型 描述信息
options object 可选 Object with the following properties:
参数名称 类型 描述信息
start JulianDate 可选 The start time of the interval.
stop JulianDate 可选 The stop time of the interval.
isStartIncluded boolean 可选 true if options.start is included in the interval, false otherwise.
isStopIncluded boolean 可选 true if options.stop is included in the interval, false otherwise.
The first interval in the collection that matches the specified parameters.


Finds and returns the interval that contains the specified date.
参数名称 类型 描述信息
date JulianDate The date to search for.
The interval containing the specified date, undefined if no such interval exists.
Gets the interval at the specified index.
参数名称 类型 描述信息
index number The index of the interval to retrieve.
The interval at the specified index, or undefined if no interval exists as that index.
Finds and returns the index of the interval in the collection that contains the specified date.
参数名称 类型 描述信息
date JulianDate The date to search for.
The index of the interval that contains the specified date, if no such interval exists, it returns a negative number which is the bitwise complement of the index of the next interval that starts after the date, or if no interval starts after the specified date, the bitwise complement of the length of the collection.

intersect(other, dataComparer, mergeCallback)TimeIntervalCollection

Creates a new instance that is the intersection of this collection and the provided collection.
参数名称 类型 描述信息
other TimeIntervalCollection The collection to intersect with.
dataComparer TimeInterval.DataComparer 可选 A function which compares the data of the two intervals. If omitted, reference equality is used.
mergeCallback TimeInterval.MergeCallback 可选 A function which merges the data of the two intervals. If omitted, the data from the left interval will be used.
A new TimeIntervalCollection which is the intersection of this collection and the provided collection.
Removes all intervals from the collection.


Removes the specified interval from this interval collection, creating a hole over the specified interval. The data property of the input interval is ignored.
参数名称 类型 描述信息
interval TimeInterval The interval to remove.
true if the interval was removed, false if no part of the interval was in the collection.