
new Cesium.Atmosphere()

Common atmosphere settings used by 3D Tiles and models for rendering sky atmosphere, ground atmosphere, and fog.

This class is not to be confused with SkyAtmosphere, which is responsible for rendering the sky.

While the atmosphere settings affect the color of fog, see Fog to control how fog is rendered.

// Turn on dynamic atmosphere lighting using the sun direction
scene.atmosphere.dynamicLighting = Cesium.DynamicAtmosphereLightingType.SUNLIGHT;
// Turn on dynamic lighting using whatever light source is in the scene
scene.light = new Cesium.DirectionalLight({
  direction: new Cesium.Cartesian3(1, 0, 0)
scene.atmosphere.dynamicLighting = Cesium.DynamicAtmosphereLightingType.SCENE_LIGHT;
// Adjust the color of the atmosphere effects.
scene.atmosphere.hueShift = 0.4; // Cycle 40% around the color wheel
scene.atmosphere.brightnessShift = 0.25; // Increase the brightness
scene.atmosphere.saturationShift = -0.1; // Desaturate the colors


brightnessShift : number

The brightness shift to apply to the atmosphere. Defaults to 0.0 (no shift). A brightness shift of -1.0 is complete darkness, which will let space show through.
默认值: 0.0
When not DynamicAtmosphereLightingType.NONE, the selected light source will be used for dynamically lighting all atmosphere-related rendering effects.
默认值: DynamicAtmosphereLightingType.NONE
The hue shift to apply to the atmosphere. Defaults to 0.0 (no shift). A hue shift of 1.0 indicates a complete rotation of the hues available.
默认值: 0.0

lightIntensity : number

The intensity of the light that is used for computing the ground atmosphere color.
默认值: 10.0

mieAnisotropy : number

The anisotropy of the medium to consider for Mie scattering.

Valid values are between -1.0 and 1.0.

默认值: 0.9
The Mie scattering coefficient used in the atmospheric scattering equations for the ground atmosphere.
默认值: Cartesian3(21e-6, 21e-6, 21e-6)

mieScaleHeight : number

The Mie scale height used in the atmospheric scattering equations for the ground atmosphere, in meters.
默认值: 3200.0
The Rayleigh scattering coefficient used in the atmospheric scattering equations for the ground atmosphere.
默认值: Cartesian3(5.5e-6, 13.0e-6, 28.4e-6)

rayleighScaleHeight : number

The Rayleigh scale height used in the atmospheric scattering equations for the ground atmosphere, in meters.
默认值: 10000.0

saturationShift : number

The saturation shift to apply to the atmosphere. Defaults to 0.0 (no shift). A saturation shift of -1.0 is monochrome.
默认值: 0.0