
new Cesium.PostProcessStageComposite(options)

A collection of PostProcessStages or other post-process composite stages that execute together logically.

All stages are executed in the order of the array. The input texture changes based on the value of inputPreviousStageTexture. If inputPreviousStageTexture is true, the input to each stage is the output texture rendered to by the scene or of the stage that executed before it. If inputPreviousStageTexture is false, the input texture is the same for each stage in the composite. The input texture is the texture rendered to by the scene or the output texture of the previous stage.

参数名称 类型 描述信息
options object An object with the following properties:
参数名称 类型 默认值 描述信息
stages Array An array of PostProcessStages or composites to be executed in order.
inputPreviousStageTexture boolean true 可选 Whether to execute each post-process stage where the input to one stage is the output of the previous. Otherwise, the input to each contained stage is the output of the stage that executed before the composite.
name string createGuid() 可选 The unique name of this post-process stage for reference by other composites. If a name is not supplied, a GUID will be generated.
uniforms object 可选 An alias to the uniforms of post-process stages.
// Example 1: separable blur filter
// The input to blurXDirection is the texture rendered to by the scene or the output of the previous stage.
// The input to blurYDirection is the texture rendered to by blurXDirection.
scene.postProcessStages.add(new Cesium.PostProcessStageComposite({
    stages : [blurXDirection, blurYDirection]
// Example 2: referencing the output of another post-process stage
scene.postProcessStages.add(new Cesium.PostProcessStageComposite({
    inputPreviousStageTexture : false,
    stages : [
        // The same as Example 1.
        new Cesium.PostProcessStageComposite({
            inputPreviousStageTexture : true
            stages : [blurXDirection, blurYDirection],
            name : 'blur'
        // The input texture for this stage is the same input texture to blurXDirection since inputPreviousStageTexture is false
        new Cesium.PostProcessStage({
            fragmentShader : compositeShader,
            uniforms : {
                blurTexture : 'blur' // The output of the composite with name 'blur' (the texture that blurYDirection rendered to).
// Example 3: create a uniform alias
const uniforms = {};
Cesium.defineProperties(uniforms, {
    filterSize : {
        get : function() {
            return blurXDirection.uniforms.filterSize;
        set : function(value) {
            blurXDirection.uniforms.filterSize = blurYDirection.uniforms.filterSize = value;
scene.postProcessStages.add(new Cesium.PostProcessStageComposite({
    stages : [blurXDirection, blurYDirection],
    uniforms : uniforms


Whether or not to execute this post-process stage when ready.

readonly inputPreviousStageTexture : boolean

All post-process stages are executed in the order of the array. The input texture changes based on the value of inputPreviousStageTexture. If inputPreviousStageTexture is true, the input to each stage is the output texture rendered to by the scene or of the stage that executed before it. If inputPreviousStageTexture is false, the input texture is the same for each stage in the composite. The input texture is the texture rendered to by the scene or the output texture of the previous stage.
The number of post-process stages in this composite.
The unique name of this post-process stage for reference by other stages in a PostProcessStageComposite.
Determines if this post-process stage is ready to be executed.
The features selected for applying the post-process.
An alias to the uniform values of the post-process stages. May be undefined; in which case, get each stage to set uniform values.


Destroys the WebGL resources held by this object. Destroying an object allows for deterministic release of WebGL resources, instead of relying on the garbage collector to destroy this object.

Once an object is destroyed, it should not be used; calling any function other than isDestroyed will result in a DeveloperError exception. Therefore, assign the return value (undefined) to the object as done in the example.

  • DeveloperError : This object was destroyed, i.e., destroy() was called.
Gets the post-process stage at index
参数名称 类型 描述信息
index number The index of the post-process stage or composite.
The post-process stage or composite at index.
Returns true if this object was destroyed; otherwise, false.

If this object was destroyed, it should not be used; calling any function other than isDestroyed will result in a DeveloperError exception.

true if this object was destroyed; otherwise, false.