
new Cesium.PerformanceWatchdogViewModel(options)

The view model for PerformanceWatchdog.
参数名称 类型 描述信息
options object 可选 Object with the following properties:
参数名称 类型 默认值 描述信息
scene Scene The Scene instance for which to monitor performance.
lowFrameRateMessage string 'This application appears to be performing poorly on your system. Please try using a different web browser or updating your video drivers.' 可选 The message to display when a low frame rate is detected. The message is interpeted as HTML, so make sure it comes from a trusted source so that your application is not vulnerable to cross-site scripting attacks.


Gets a command that dismisses the low frame rate message. Once it is dismissed, the message will not be redisplayed.
Gets or sets the message to display when a low frame rate is detected. This string will be interpreted as HTML.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the low frame rate message has previously been dismissed by the user. If it has been dismissed, the message will not be redisplayed, no matter the frame rate.
Gets the Scene instance for which to monitor performance.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the low frame rate message is currently being displayed.