
new Cesium.EntityView(entity, scene, ellipsoid)

A utility object for tracking an entity with the camera.
参数名称 类型 默认值 描述信息
entity Entity The entity to track with the camera.
scene Scene The scene to use.
ellipsoid Ellipsoid Ellipsoid.default 可选 The ellipsoid to use for orienting the camera.


static Cesium.EntityView.defaultOffset3D : Cartesian3

Gets or sets a camera offset that will be used to initialize subsequent EntityViews.
The bounding sphere of the object.
The ellipsoid to use for orienting the camera.
The entity to track with the camera.
The scene in which to track the object.


update(time, boundingSphere)

Should be called each animation frame to update the camera to the latest settings.
参数名称 类型 描述信息
time JulianDate The current animation time.
boundingSphere BoundingSphere 可选 bounding sphere of the object.